You've gotten one of the best web sites.
Ich bin immer wieder von deinen Fotos beeindruckt, einfach genial!
Hallo,ich bin auch Barnimerin und fotografiere gern.Eine sehr umfangreiche Foto-HP hast Du mit guten Fotos.Ich bin bergeistert von den ganz tollen Naturbildern.Man sieht,dass Du die richtige Zeit
dafür wählst.Wenn du magst, schau doch mal auf meine Webseiten vorbei!
Übrigens habe ich Dich bei facebook gefunden.
LG Heike Brazzoni
Wünsche Dir und dene Familie
ein schönes Weihnachsfest und ein guten Rutsch ins neue
Jahr 2013
schöne aufnahmen
nature will never be completely silent, nature has a strong and high emotion when it was perceived ..., the arrival of successive seasons, adjust the sensitivity, physical and mental condition of the
existence of nature's own best friend, one of nature's best friend is, we, human beings ..
There are times when human nature tells, the story is experienced on the journey of human life .., as if nature, come to experience and feel what is perceived by humans, which is located between the
inner contact of human feelings and sensibilities of nature, was sometimes seen as very obviously ...
as well as on nature, nature is often to give a message to us, to humans. Nature's emotional honesty, easily visible and can clearly be felt by humans, are closely related to nature's instinct will
determine the nature of life's best friend,
when nature is happy, happy, sad, sick, tired, hurt, scared, anxious, restless, quiet ..... etc,
like nature in a state of peace, comfort or nature in a state of poor condition or in danger, nature does not hesitate to give messages or alerts to their friends
nature of any show, there's always a story behind the story, .. like the picture I saw of the work to date, according to from the way I look, the landscape is very beautiful and natural, but it
implied a story that is quite deep and quite sad, something that is not easy to be expressed, something that is difficult to forget. to be honest Mike .... on the one hand I admire its natural
beauty, so calm, and admiration for the work that God gave, on the one hand again ... it also took me to see photo, reminds me into something I feel awful, and I have tears in my eyes .....
These are all fairly represent what feels ......., and shared stories of the natural atmosphere of calm, as if not easy to be disclosed, it is still obvious that the sun shines from dawn remained
faithful to evening, hinting, encourage, support and passion for nature, that nature must remain determined to keep it running as it should be a habit, an obligation that must still be done, ..
the existence of a faithful sun shines, as if telling me, that as long as the sun shines, hope it will still be there, that is, one day happiness will come one day, and all will come and beautiful
one day ... :) :)
:) :) ..... Hi Mike, this is me .... as I admire some of his facebook picture over the network, I decided to see some photos of your work here, because to be honest all the work that your picture is
very interesting and amazing, basically I love all kinds of any art, of music, writing in the form of poetry, dance, photographs, paintings and other .... .....
of all that I always have a different definition, like what I see from your collection on facebook, of course ... with the entrusted me to see your site .... is a great honor for me from you ....
this site I think very beautiful and amazing .... and not only that, but, ... by looking at this site, .. I think ... quite explains the character of the owner of this site ........, a form of
character photographer, who has a friendly nature, humble, simple to mangalirlah
artistic talent and a good instinct to aim at any object produced a perfection of nature that has the natural beauty of the mystery into something extraordinary to be seen, enjoyed to be
I think the site is a beautiful masterpiece, a magnificent work of art, move on to Mike, hopefully, your work .. beautiful works can be even more beneficial is good for everyone, greeting the camera
shots from me to you .....
Moin Michael, habe Deinen Link über die EW Gruppe bei FB gesehen und wollte Dir eine tolle Foto Community vorstellen, wo Du Deine Fotos einer noch größeren Gruppe von leidenschaftlichen Fotografen
vorstellen kannst. Hier der Link: die sind auch auf FB vertreten. Vielleicht interessiert Dich das ja.
Viele Grüße Anne
Great Pictures.!! (*^▽^)/
Nice Page Pa !!!
Lookt at mine!! :D
Great Stuff!! Nice Photoooos !! ♥
wonderful, amazing site...please keep do this niveau ;)
fein gemacht !!!
Super Seite, ich liebe eure Fotos. Viel Glück und gutes Licht ;)
hast fein gemacht !!!! :-))))